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Tag Archives: Sweet Kookee Cookies

LEGO cakes & cupcakes

My first nephew, Pierre is turning 1. He is an adorable baby, so cute, got dimples, muscles and a handsome boy. We were off to Disneyland to celebrate Pierre and my little sister, Sam’s birthdays. But we thought a first year birthday wont be complete without a party.

So we threw a little and simple birthday party for him. It was a Lego themed party for Pierre. Lego blocks and Lego man it is! My family worked hand in hand to make this birthday party. It’s personalized and we wanted it to look fun!

LEGO birthday party

My brother made personalized shirt for each member of the family. Really cute!

Daddy’s shirt

We made personalized loot bags of Lego man’s face with lots of candies and toys in it.

Loot Bags

A family friend set up the stage for us and made a very cool pinata.

Lego Man pinata

I lined up all my food carts. Treats for everyone! Lots of food 🙂

Party Mania Food Carts

And of course a birthday won’t be complete without a cake, cupcakes and we made some sugar cookies too. I also baked mini cupcakes to complete it all.

I made a cake covered by Lego blocks with red, yellow , green and blue colors. I places a Lego man on top. It’s so cute!

my Lego cakes

I made a mix of vanilla and chocolate cupcakes with vanilla butter cream and topped them with a Lego block fondant.

Lego Blocks cupcakes

We also made some sugar cookies

Lego man head cookies

To compete it all I baked mini Oreo, red velvet and Nutella cupcakes.

mini Oreo cupcakes

mini Red Velvet cupcakes

mini nutella cupcakes

Lego cake, cupcakes & cookies

It was a tiring day but we sure had fun. It’s even sweeter that the whole family worked for this party.

Pink & yellow sweets for my Princess sister

It’s a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my little sister. It has always been her wish to celebrate her birthday in school like her classmates. Problem is, her birthday is on April 03 and classes are usually over by that month. So my Mom thought of a cool idea, she celebrates it in advance and she celebrates it on the last day of the school year. This has been a tradition ever since she entered school. School birthday parties are always fun!

My Mom made her cute giveaways. She was able to find a cute plastic container and stuffed them with candies and designed them with a personalized sticker. There were a lot of candies 🙂 kids drool over the candies the moment they saw them.

here’s a photo collage of the party. look how happy the kids are 🙂

My part of course was to make the cake, cupcakes and decided to add some cookies. My sister does not adore princesses and pink. She’s more of the Hannah Montana girl, rock and cool. But I persuaded her to have pink yellow as her party theme, and she was okay with it, which surprised me.

I was trying to make a cake with butter cream frosting, but boy was it hard! I was not able to make it smooth on the cake. I don’t know why but I find it so hard to make a butter cream cake. I have to practice a lot on this.

I was upset that I can’t make it right so I decided to just cover it with fondant. I made it a little 2 layers princess cake. Pink and yellow with accents of her initial S for Samantha and 7 because it’s her 7th birthday.

the princess cake

I made the cupcakes same as the cake. Baked some chocolate cupcakes, frosted them with pink and yellow butter cream and topped them with fondant.

i planned to put them on individual boxes to make them look cuter but my mom suggested to just put hem around the cake so kids can just get and eat. Easier for them.

princess cupcakes

I also made sugar cookies. I’m not a fun of sugar cookies but I must admit they always catch attention. They are so pretty and cute. So for her sugar cookies I just decorated them with yellow and pink candies.

Heart shape cookies for the girls 🙂

Circle shaped cookies for the boys

i individually wrapped them like this 🙂

The moment I entered the classroom carrying the cake the kids were so amazed, I hear WOW, OHHH and they were also so excited, and that just made me so happy.

cake & cupcakes set up at the yellow room

melted candles after blowing the cake

ecstatic kids. so cute!

The kids loved the food candies and cake & cookies. I was so happy to see how happy they were. Simple joy!